Life Skills

This workshop aims towards ensuring clients are working towards achieving basic life skills they will be essential for their independence.

Barista Classes – to teach clients who are interested in making coffee and possibly gaining a Certificate II to be able to move to paid employment. Working towards paid shifts at the Sixth Street Café and partner cafes in the local area

Cooking Classes –basic cooking skills, with crossing over to learning how to read recipes, grocery shop within a budget and following safe food handling guidelines. A small fee of $5 would need to be introduced to pay for ingredients for the class.

Money Handling/ Budgeting Classes – to teach clients basic money handling skills and being able to apply it everyday life. Being able to capacity build with clients to be able to budget everyday expenses and show ways to save money.

Reading/Writing/Literacy Classes – to assist clients if identified goals and source materials are provided to improve their literacy, reading writing and numeracy skills. Or to look to facilitate a session with a trained tutor to help clients with this aspect.

life skills workshop

Hours of Operation: 9am – 3pm (adjustable pending on group numbers and session demands)

Number of Activities per day: 3

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